Dec 12, 2011
Dec 6, 2011
Dec 5, 2011
gift cards!
Oct 31, 2011
sometimes life is like lucy & the football.
Oct 6, 2011
ROUND 2: the adventures continue!
remember that one time i went thru massage therapy school and am now licensed?
well, round 2 of needing lots of sunblock is about to commence: after completing 2 sessions of advanced training in connective tissue massage, i've been made an offer i can't refuse to continue my bodywork education at the institute of structural integration in miami/north bay village, FL.
my goal is to find a way to integrate counseling and talk therapy with bodywork therapy for anyone who has survived trauma: rape survivors, military personnel who have lost limbs, those struggling with PTSD... basically anyone who has the biggest disconnect in their mind-body relationship. this training in structural integration is a large piece of my puzzle. once this round is complete, i will be one of 8 therapists in nashville who understand and practice this modality. our bodies are designed magnificently, and an amazing detail is our mind-body ability to shield us from trauma - we hold trauma down to a cellular level! some of that cannot be released until that layer of tissue is released. i believe there is a significant link between talk therapy and bodywork that would bridge the disconnect between mind and body - naturally and holistically. any one else want to find out?
you can read more about connective tissue massage and structural integration here:
the institute of structural integration in miami
so remember that one time i asked for help to go to africa? here's round 2. i drained my savings account going to school the first time around, and building my business here in nashville has been a slow process - as i expected. this opportunity with training in miami was dropped into my lap, exactly how most of the best things in my life come about. i'm going to keep this succinct and ask for specific things:
1. i need prayer.
2. i'm having a garage sale 10/22 to raise some money - want to donate your fall purge?
3. i need someone to sublet my room in nashville from jan - may with my awesome roommate.
4. i would like a house sitting gig in the miami/north bay village area from jan - may, or a possible extra room in someone's home, or any safe housing option.
5. i would like to bring my little dog with me.
6. i need money. cost of living/rent/etc plus school will run around $12,000+.
7. i need a part time job while i'm there.
i almost choked writing that, but i know and have seen that with God, all things are possible.
any thoughts, ideas, contacts, prayers - all are appreciated.
donations will be happily accepted thru paypal or venmo.
and yes, i will have sunblock in miami. and a parasol.
Jun 23, 2011
sunblock, episode 3. a 2-fer
i'm a big fan of this stuff. nice, soft, matte finish - but the low spf 15 is a deal breaker for this girl. plus $42 for less than 2 ounces really hurts my feelings. if this was spf 45, i would consider, but aveeno's spf 30 is doing me real fine at the moment for $10.
i really super bad want to find a natural sunblock in the spf 45 range, but i have yet to find non sticky, non stinky coverage that isn't as good as the old faithful... this neutrogena is my most favoritest. $9 for 5 oz! i'd also like to try the aveeno version of this in the same price range.
Jun 20, 2011
i have a logo!!!! (now i need a license.)
i will now brag on James. we go back a few years, but both ditched the music business and sort of lost touch. when i contacted him needing help with my new logo & identity, he jumped. i was thrilled, especially after nosing thru his site! (his work speaks for itself - i would preach on, but you can see i don't need to.)
it's a bizarre process, this branding thing. unlimited options overwhelm me. i baby-stepped it from there. i found a tablecloth with the colors and texture i liked. this tablecloth is now a drape in my home studio. use what you like, i say. i knew i wanted the color pallet from the tablecloth with the imagery of leaves. i learned about leaves and essential oils in my aromatherapy class and was blown away by their healing properties. i searched out images of these healers... eucalyptus, comfrey, olive, arnica, barberry. i emailed him some zip files of the color pallet, the tablecloth, and leaves. "here are things i like. i want it to be simple and classy." i'd like to be an idea person, and sometimes i am, but for the most part i am a planner, a finisher, a completer, a fixer. logos are out of my creative strengths. and i tell myself that's ok.
we then met up a week later. he showed me a few ideas, but i knew the first one was what i wanted. you can see his work on my logo here. the 2nd attachment was the first one he showed me - and i thought to myself, "self, that one would be perfect if it was in a square." i loved that it looked like a seal or stamp. OMG I CAN MAKE A STAMP AND STAMP THINGS.... (i love and delight in the little things) and he even made me a pattern! we chose pantone colors, a business card layout, etc.
he loves the mathematics of design. i love the elements of line & repetition. he either read my mind, or intuitively knew what i needed even if i couldn't verbalize it. even the leaf is based on one of my favorites, the eucalyptus, which has wonderful healing properties.
and so cheers to you, my friend, James LaCroix. and dear internet universe, hire this fella. you will be thrilled you did.
ok, let's be honest. i will totally put in my 2 cents.
i hope parents don't hate me, because i think everyone should quit their job to go to africa and then sit around wondering what it is they really want to do... how they really want to invest their lives... to be in a spot where they must figure out what their mission(s?) really are - in their very guts and not just what someone tells them.
total random side note: the best roadie shirt i ever saw in my former touring life? "rehab is for quitters." it still makes me chuckle.
May 24, 2011
the goal: to have several steady clients, allowing me to charge a lesser rate so i can help those who couldn't normally afford a massage but desperately need stress relief. i want to work with military families, rape survivors and those who suffer from PTSD. opportunities keep popping up out of the proverbial blue.
my favorite comment from my clinic hours last night:
first a muffled grunt, then, "i bet you could rip a phone book in half."
18 years in the making and it's 3 days away.
May 16, 2011
beyond organic
here's the article from dr. axe... beyond organic.
click here to register with me!
May 8, 2011
sunblock testing, episode 2.
so now i have to go look at all my sunblocks and figure out which one will kill me... juuust kidding. i will, however, do some homework on more natural or organic sunblocks to see if my old favorites need to be rejected. and if those that claim they are natural are legit or full of .... really hard for me to not rhyme it..... hitpostnow
May 6, 2011
sunblock testing, episode 1.

Mar 15, 2011
Mar 3, 2011
LMT journey, part 2. Takin' care of biz-ness.
Website 1, website 2, twitter handle, basic business philosophy, colors, logo, space, business license, massage license, zoning...... What in the world am i doing? The Great Name Game was fought and won: Studio Massage played along with music city, my wee in-home studio, and it was simple. I duked it out with a few geniuses about securing my .com address, but some guy in Madrid has been sitting on it since 2003. So I scooped up the .biz, my own name, and the closest twitter handle I could secure:
3. @StudioLMT
Luckily, I work at a great web design company, have a great boss, smart co-workers, and get great how-to advice. Wondering if I can get an iPad and do everything paperless. That would be a great challenge and oh, how very green of me.
I suppose:
1. .com is best, .biz works the same way, with a bit more effort of promoting my BIZ-ness so people don't default to .com. I will not fall prey to's fear tactics!
2. because it's my name.
3. simple, short, and sweet.
Apparently I need to do MORE research about zoning, certificates, licensing, LLCs, sole proprietorships, incorporations… lots of hoops, so little time.
Feb 27, 2011
LMT journey, part 1. Life changing.
I quit my job, went to Rwanda for 4-5 weeks, came back and wondered what I was going to do with my life. Always loved the idea of massage therapy + health + alternative therapies + a total life change. Luckily, my money job (not really a money job, I just never really bought anything) provided a savings account, so I have the great luxury of working part time while going to school. I am getting nervous about it - an unexpected move with unexpected expenses, and other unexpected life moments.... budgets simultaneously rule and rot.
So I decided to go Natural Health Institute here in Nashville. Going back to school at 34 is just weird. Weird, I say! Even with years of hearing, "Melanie, will you rub my shoulders?" I was not prepared for SCHOOL. For homework. I had no idea how to study. It was a rough go at first, even as I felt more and more confident about my choice. The more I learn, the less I know, and the more I love to learn. I love Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Kinesiology… my instructors are legit. So much experience, so much care, so much knowledge - they continue to pour their guts into their students, and they really care about us. I sit in class and am in awe of the creation of the human body. "Wait-a-second… this muscle can do THAT? and THAT?! from there?" Highly nerdy moments of excitement. Our bodies are brilliantly designed. If given enough time and proper resources, our bodies can heal themselves with their intrinsic wisdom. (of course there is that nasty percentile of crap that just happens) Keep it simple. Eat real food. Get real rest. MOVE. Fill your soul with good things. Fill your time with good people.
What I'm learning: I cannot effectively care for others if I don't properly care for myself.
Easier said than done, but let's give it a go!