So I found this cheap lip gloss at Rite Aid and had to try it b/c of my friend Toya and this story. And who doesn't know all the words to 867-5309?!
Plus I like strawberry flavored lip gloss that looks pretty. I ended up giving some to Toya b/c of the "Rick Springfield Experience" she had, knowing she is also a sucker for the shiny strawberry. Little did I know this small share would bring unknown joy to others.
BGLUBlog BlackGrlsLikeUs
Just showed someone in my office my @IWantJessesGirlStrawberry lip gloss & she shrieked just like I did.#RickSpringfieldFansUnite
melpher melanie pherson
@BGLUBlog toya, this makes me think i may actually be able to make the world a better place with just the little things.
Toyaisrandom Toya
@melpher Let the Lord use you. Lip gloss is a ministry.